Bring Nature into Your Backyard!
Ideas for Custom Fencing & Walls
Walls and fencing control where people, vehicles, and
pets travel. They keep things in and keep them out.
While their functionality is critical, don’t forget the
artistry they lend to your yard and impression they give
to those who pass by your home. Walls can also be
used within your yard to separate spaces, provide
privacy, frame a beautiful distant scene of nature and
thus pull it into your back yard as a backdrop.
Retaining Walls
Retaining walls typically hold back dirt and viewed from
only one side. Mountain Paradise recommends
keystone retaining walls as the best choice. Typical uses
for retaining walls is to level ground to increase more flat space for other landscaping, creating elevated yard
sections, and protect your yard from erosion due to steep slopes.
Keystone walls provide a pre-engineered solution for retaining walls and look very nice.
CMU or Masonry Retaining Walls are more expensive due to for the need for footings, concrete-fill,
inspections, and are not aesthetically pleasing.
See our blog on retaining walls.
Block Walls
While these are a staple of hardscaping in our area, we advise you
to consider if adding a bit of style to your bock wall or considering
a different type of wall make sense in your situation, especially if
you want to avoid looking at a block wall.
Consider stuccoing your block wall to simulate bock walls
with stucco
Consider adding designs or openings in the wall for style.
Block walls can be made more stylish using colored block,
split-block or designs incorporating split-block.
Coyote Fence with Lattias
Coyote fencing is well known in New Mexico. They are built
from lattias of spruce fir tied to a steel framework, typically
black pipe. They are durable and great looking alternative to
block walls to display a southwest theme.
Horse Fences
While horse fences don’t provide much security, they
provide a very elegant look and unique style.
Hay Bale Walls
This is an old-fashioned wall that has uneven surface appearance but appears very thick (about 18 inches
thick) and strong.
Hay-bale, straw-bale, or strawbale walls are made with good size footing with rebar, with hay bales, paper,
wired, stuccoed.
Adobe Walls
Adobe walls are very traditional in our location. Protecting them with a stucco cap is a useful approach.
Cedar Fences
Cedar fences are fairly inexpensive. They are not that durable and require maintenance to improve their
Custom Fences & Walls for Landscaping
Bring Nature into Your Backyard!
By Appointment
everyday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.